PRB strives to attract and publish high quality authoritative papers that should stand the test of time. PRB publishes papers in two formats: Regular Articles with no length limit, well suited for a thorough exposition of the research, and Rapid Communications, short letter-size papers for speedy publication of particularly important results. PRB’s criteria for publication have remained the same: papers should Physical Review B Rapid Communications 78, (R) () Transverse Commensurability Effect For Vortices in Periodic Pinning Arrays C. Reichhardt and C. J. Olson Reichhardt Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico , USA Starting January 1, , the Rapid Communications article type will be renamed to Letters. With this change, all eight Physical Review journals that had previously classified articles of the type “Rapid Communications” will adopt the practice of Physical Review Applied and now publish such articles as Letters. Learn more
Physical Review B - Physical Review B: Rapid Communications
At the beginning ofeight Physical Review journals began publishing Letters which are intended for the accelerated publication of important new results targeted to the specific readership of each journal.
The recent theoretical and experimental discovery of higher-order topological insulators raises the question whether the interplay of this new topology and strong interactions could lead to a three-dimensional generalization of the fractional quantum Hall effect.
The authors answer this question here using a model wavefunction ansatz and Monte Carlo simulations. They show that this interplay leads to fractional chiral hinge modes, similar to the Laughlin physics. Surprisingly, these results indicate a clear departure from conventional two-dimensional topological order on the gapped surfaces, akin to half a Laughlin state. Anna Hackenbroich et al. BL In twisted bilayer graphene at small twist angles, the application of an electric field can break the inversion symmetry between AB- and BA-stacked domains, prb rapid communication.
This causes a network of one-dimensional topologically protected states to emerge in the material, which can transport current without dissipation as long as intervalley scattering is absent, according to theoretical predictions, prb rapid communication. In this work, using atomic-resolution STM images of the network taken at room temperature, the authors show that the topological network is indeed valley protected.
Verbakel, Q. Yao, K. Sotthewes, and H. Zandvliet Phys. B There is currently a strong need to understand noncollinear magnetic phases where generalized chiral magnetic interactions can play a prominent role.
Here, the authors give a clear and accessible discussion of improper chiral magnetic interactions and how they can arise from proper isotropic or chiral interactions. For example, the energy landscape of noncollinear magnets with chiral degeneracy can be mistakenly interpreted in terms of large improper Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions that in fact originate from isotropic biquadratic interactions. Manuel dos Santos Dias et al. A theory of an electrically controlled terahertz-frequency auto-oscillator is developed here within the framework of the antiferromagnetic sigma model.
The structure is based on a trilayer heterostructure: a piezoelectric ceramic, NiO-based antiferromagnet AFMand a heavy metal. The authors demonstrate that the frequency of the AFM resonance of the layered structure in a passive subcritical regime can be controlled by the external electric field applied to the piezoelectric, by choosing a proper piezoelectric material, and by the magnitude of the electric current flowing in the heavy metal.
Consolo et al. Diagonalization of a bosonic Bogoliubov—de Gennes system is intrinsically a non-Hermitian problem, although its Hamiltonian is Hermitian. Here, the authors study the non-Hermitian prb rapid communication of bosonic Bogoliubov—de Gennes systems by constructing a non-Bloch band theory.
Such systems have a unique non-Hermitian Brillouin zone, where Hermitian and non-Hermitian regions coexist. Accordingly, prb rapid communication non-Hermitian skin effect shows instability against infinitesimal instability and reentrant behavior.
Kazuki Yokomizo and Shuichi Murakami Phys. Here, the authors have probed the superconducting gap structure of this compound using muon-spin rotation and relaxation spectroscopy.
Their results reveal a nodeless isotropic s -wave gap structure and confirm that time-reversal symmetry is preserved in the superconducting state of noncentrosymmetric ZrRuAs. Debarchan Das et al. They show how the action of strain in a Kitaev material can potentially generate such a phase, in which pair hopping of fermions, constrained by symmetries, dominates the ground-state physics and the excitations. This study lies at the crossroad of diverse fields, such as quantum Hall physics, frustrated magnets, flat-band physics, and interacting Majorana fermions.
Adhip Agarwala, Subhro Bhattacharjee, Johannes Knolle, and Roderich Moessner Phys. The quantum spin chain with bond-directional interactions can host fascinating phenomena. Here, the authors study such a spin chain, built of a Kitaev interaction and an off-diagonal exchange dubbed the Γ term.
This model possesses a self-dual relation and a mirror symmetry, and is found to exhibit a multicritical point, two topological phase transitions of distinct universality classes, three magnetically ordered states, and four disordered phases including the preeminent Haldane phase. These findings demonstrate a prb rapid communication playground to study quantum magnetism and topological phase transitions.
Qiang Luo, Jize Zhao, Xiaoqun Wang, prb rapid communication, and Hae-Young Kee Phys. Magnetic polarization reduces spin scattering and underpins colossal magnetoresistance CMR in the manganites and almost all other CMR materials.
In sharp contrast, the observed CMR in the ferrimagnetic insulator Mn 3 Si 2 Te 6which features a resistivity drop by an astonishing seven orders of magnitude, emerges only when the fully polarized magnetization is avoided.
This intriguing type of electrical transport fits no existing theoretical models, prb rapid communication, providing a new paradigm for studying CMR and its applications. Yifei Ni et al. Electronic band matching at the heterointerface between magnetic and nonmagnetic metals influences spin-dependent transport through that interface, prb rapid communication. However, the impact of atomic-level interfacial structure on the electronic band matching and the resultant transport properties have not been clarified.
Here, the authors have fabricated high-quality epitaxial giant magnetoresistance devices with half-metallic Heusler electrodes with interfacial ultrathin Ni insertion layers.
Through state-of-the-art microstructure analysis, they demonstrate that even a monolayer of Ni strongly affects interfacial band matching and giant magnetoresistance. Björn Büker et al. In Kitaev materials the spin-orbital entangled nature of the magnetic moments suggests prb rapid communication intricate magnetoelastic coupling. For the case of α -RuCl 3the authors investigate this effect via first-principles methods. Exact diagonalization studies on the calculated magnetoelastic model reproduce and explain recent magnetostriction and Grüneisen parameter measurements, validating the magnetoelastic parameters.
Their structure predicts that compressive uniaxial strain between the honeycomb planes will strongly strengthen the Kitaev exchange and suppress the antiferromagnetic order. David A. Kaib et al. APS Editor in Chief, Michael Thoennessen, prb rapid communication, discusses a new opportunity for communicating authors to include their pronouns together with their contact email in order to promote a more respectful, inclusive, and equitable environment.
On this occasion, the editors launch a collection of select papers. These Milestone studies represent lasting contributions to physics by way of reporting significant discoveries, initiating new areas of research, or substantially enhancing the conceptual tools for making progress in the burgeoning field of condensed matter physics. APS has selected Outstanding Referees for who have demonstrated exceptional work in the assessment of manuscripts published in the Physical Review journals.
A full list of the Outstanding Referees is available online. It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing in November of our former colleague, Jack Sandweiss, who was Editor of PRL for a quarter of a century Starting January 1,the Rapid Communications article type will be renamed to Letters.
Learn more. Large anomalous Hall effect in the kagome ferromagnet LiMn 6 Sn 6 Prb rapid communication Chen et al. Magnetoelastic coupling and effects of uniaxial strain in α-RuCl 3 from first principles David A.
Magnetotransport in semiconductors and two-dimensional materials from first principles Dhruv C. Desai, Bahdan Zviazhynski, Jin-Jian Zhou, and Marco Bernardi Phys. Colossal magnetoresistance via avoiding fully polarized magnetization in the ferrimagnetic insulator Mn 3 Si 2 Te 6 Yifei Ni et al. Skyrmions in twisted van der Prb rapid communication magnets Muhammad Akram and Onur Erten Phys. Elucidation of the strong effect of an interfacial monolayer on magnetoresistance in giant magnetoresistive devices with current perpendicular to the plane Bjorn Buker et al.
High-throughput search for magnetic topological materials using spin-orbit spillage, machine learning, and experiments Kamal Choudhary et al.
Nonstandard superconductivity or no superconductivity in hydrides under high pressure J, prb rapid communication. Hirsch and F. Marsiglio Phys. Anomalous Hall effect in MnAs: Intrinsic prb rapid communication due to Berry curvature C. Helman et al. Stripe antiferromagnetic ground state of the ideal triangular lattice compound KErSe 2 Jie Xing et al.
Topological nature of the Kondo insulator SmB 6 and its sensitiveness to Sm vacancy W. Park et al. Wan et al. Electronic structure and topological phases of the magnetic layered materials MnBi 2 Te 4MnBi 2 Se 4and MnSb 2 Te 4 Ping Li, Jiangying Yu, Ying Wang, and Weidong Luo Phys.
Learn about our response to COVIDincluding freely available research and expanded remote access support. Physical Review B covering condensed matter and materials physics Highlights Recent Accepted Collections Authors Referees Search Press About Staff. EDITORIAL Editorial: Eight Journals Introduce Letters March 9, At the beginning ofprb rapid communication, eight Physical Review journals began publishing Letters which are intended for the accelerated publication of important new results targeted to the specific readership of each journal.
EDITORIAL Promoting Inclusive and Respectful Communications November 18, prb rapid communication, APS Editor in Chief, Michael Thoennessen, discusses a new opportunity for communicating authors to include their pronouns together with their contact email in order to promote a more respectful, inclusive, and equitable environment. Current Issues Vol. Previous Issues Vol.
Bprb rapid communication, Magnetoelastic coupling and effects of uniaxial strain in prb rapid communication 3 from first principles David A. BL Magnetotransport in semiconductors and two-dimensional materials from first principles Dhruv C, prb rapid communication. BL Colossal magnetoresistance via avoiding fully polarized magnetization in the ferrimagnetic insulator Mn 3 Si 2 Te 6 Yifei Ni et al.
BL Skyrmions in twisted van der Waals magnets Muhammad Akram and Onur Erten Phys. BL Elucidation of the strong effect of an interfacial monolayer on magnetoresistance in giant magnetoresistive devices with current perpendicular to the prb rapid communication Bjorn Buker et al.
BL High-throughput search for magnetic topological materials using spin-orbit spillage, prb rapid communication, machine learning, prb rapid communication, and experiments Kamal Choudhary et al, prb rapid communication. BNonstandard superconductivity or no superconductivity in hydrides prb rapid communication high pressure J. BAnomalous Hall effect in MnAs: Intrinsic contribution due to Berry curvature C.
BStripe antiferromagnetic ground state of the ideal triangular lattice compound KErSe 2 Jie Xing et al, prb rapid communication. BTopological nature of the Kondo insulator SmB 6 and its sensitiveness to Sm vacancy W. BElectronic structure and topological phases of the magnetic layered materials MnBi 2 Te 4MnBi 2 Se 4and MnSb 2 Te 4 Ping Li, Jiangying Yu, Ying Wang, and Weidong Luo Phys.
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The American Physical Society (APS) PR series are all good, it is a century-old journal, classic classics, many Nobel papers are produced here, in this respectMore cattle than science, blogger.comgh the impact factor is mostly not high, it is because the published base is them, Rapid Communications is comparable to blogger.comally, a more reasonable quantitative comparison: 1 PRL = 2 Rapid Comunications = 5 PRB High Impact Journal publications (PRL, PRB Rapid Communications and others with IF > 10) in reversed chronological order from Oleksandr I. Malyi, Gustavo M. Dalpian, Xingang Zhao, Zhi Wang, and Alex Zunger "Realization of predicted exotic materials: The burden of proof" Materials Today 32, () (accepted online in ) Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Physical Review B: Rapid Communications. The Rapid Communications section is devoted to the publication of short papers presenting highly original and significant material. Since its inception in , it has focused on the speedy dissemination of important work in Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
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