May 28, · Animal Farm Analysis Essay. May 28, by Essay Writer. The Disaster Of Injustice. “Among those who dislike injustice are many who like to oppress”. These are the words that rolled off the French General Napoleon Bonaparte’s tongue. This associates with Animal Farm due to the fact that all of the farm animals do not like oppression however they have a Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Jul 20, · Animal Farm Analysis Essay. By: Shazia Fathraya. The novella “Animal Farm” written by George Orwell in is a political allegory of the Russian Revolution. This story is well- known and successful because of the realistic portrayals of the characters. All the characters in the book represent the iconic people/ groups/ things involved in the revolution which include George Orwell’s Animal Farm examines the insidious ways in which public officials can abuse their power, as it depicts a society in which democracy dissolves into autocracy and finally into totalitarianism. From the Rebellion onward, the pigs of Animal Farm use violence and the threat of violence to control the other animals
Animal Farm Analysis Essay – afareview
This story is well- known and successful because of the realistic portrayals of the characters. The character Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, who became a leader within the Communist party and was expelled from the Soviet Union in by Joseph Stalin. Besides, you do not need sugar. You will have all the oats and hay you want. The 7 commandments in Animal Farm points out that no animal shall act like a human, or befriend one.
Snowball tends to persuade the animals by getting them involved, and pointing out the benefits that the animals will get once something has been done. Comparably, animal farm analysis essay, Trotsky is a brilliant speaker and thinker and they both had a scheme for their farm and country.
One of the reasons why Trotsky tried to modernise Russia was because he believed that it would benefit Russia and its people. Snowball plans on building a windmill for the farm so that the animals could live in better conditions, as the animals would only have to work 3 days a week and would get to enjoy technological pleasures.
When Snowball was expelled from the farm, animal farm analysis essay, Napoleon led the farm in a different way, animal farm analysis essay, where the animals were not treated equally and started to animal farm analysis essay in trade with humans.
This is similar to when Stalin got Trotsky expelled from Russia, and Stalin got Trotsky assassinated in In Animal Farm, Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, who ruled the Soviet Union for more than 2 decades. But just at this moment Napoleon stood up and, casting a peculiar sidelong look at Snowball, uttered a high-pitched whimper of a kind no one had ever heard him utter before.
Snowball was talking passionately to the animals about building a windmill, which will provide huge benefits for the farm, animal farm analysis essay.
When Napoleon uttered a high-pitched whimper, 9 dogs chased Snowball out of the farm. Similarly, Stalin got Trotsky removed from the Soviet Union, and by taking advantage of the power of propaganda, made the citizens of the Soviet Union believe that Trotsky was a bad person and a traitor.
Napoleon introduces an unfair system to Animal Farm, where the pigs and dogs were put first. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Towards the end of the book, the farm has evolved into a totalitarian government, where all the animals are controlled by the pigs and Napoleon. Likewise, Stalin prioritises the communist elite party equivalent to the animal farm analysis essay and the KGB equivalent to the dogs.
Most of the time, Squealer selects facts to support his argument, which are not always true. He uses repetition, animal farm analysis essay, pinpoints the enemy Snowball to try to bring everyone together against the enemy. He also makes bold comments and uses rhetorical questions.
Similarly, Stalin used some forms of propaganda such as pictures, statues, praise and applause. The applause Stalin used is equivalent to the sheep bleating in Animal Farm.
When the animals noticed this, Squealer made the animals believe that they forgot some parts of the commandments. The commandments show the strength of propaganda and the soft nature of history and information when people are ignorant of the facts. In the novella, Boxer is a hard worker who remains loyal to the revolution even though Napoleon and the other pigs kept making the animals work harder.
Boxer represents the working class during the Russian revolution. Like Boxer, the working class believed in Stalin as they thought the way he was leading was communist when it was actually totalitarian. Most of the working class did the same. In chapter nineBoxer was taking stones to the windmill and suddenly collapsed. Squealer tells the animals that Boxer was going to be sent to a hospital. When the van that was going to take Boxer away came, it was from a glue boiler.
Squealer then told the animals that the hospital bought the van and did not paint over the words. As usual, the animals believe Squealer.
This is similar to how Stalin betrayed and abused the working class and killed them. Moses represents the Russian Orthodox church in Animal Farm because he wants the humans to come back, and tries to persuade the animals that they should not go against the humans. Similarly, the Russian Orthodox church tried to convince the citizens that animal farm analysis essay would be better if the monarchs led the country again.
In the novella, Snowball and Old Major criticize Moses and believe that he was just telling silly stories to make the animals work. Similarly, animal farm analysis essay, Stalin used religious principles to influence people to work and to avoid revolt.
Religion was tolerated when Stalin came into power because it would make the working class work and he knew that religion would stop violent revolutions. Snowball represents Leon Trotsky because they are both great thinkers, leaders who care about their citizens and were both gotten rid of by Napoleon or Stalin, animal farm analysis essay. Napoleon animal farm analysis essay Joseph Stalin as both of them are egoistic, jealous, takes advantage of propaganda and rules in an unfair manner.
Squealer represents propaganda. Boxer represents the working class, who were loyal to the revolution, and were abused and animal farm analysis essay by their leaders. Lastly, Moses is a character who represents the church. Moses and the church want their previous leaders to rule again and try to persuade the citizens by using religion. Thus, Animal Farm is a successful story because of the characters and how realistic these portrayals are. Welcome to my website. Please like my posts and comment what you want to see on my blog!!!!
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Animal Farm - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis
, time: 4:41"Animal Farm" By George Orwell: Analysis - Free Essay Example | EduZaurus

Mar 22, · Animal Farm is a renowned book that really breaks down and studies the Soviet Union and the Russian Revolution. It is an allegory for sovereignty. It is a warning sign and depicts the dangers of a greedy, power-hungry government. Animal Farm gets at the nature of totalitarianism and shows how much power can corrupt ideals George Orwell’s Animal Farm examines the insidious ways in which public officials can abuse their power, as it depicts a society in which democracy dissolves into autocracy and finally into totalitarianism. From the Rebellion onward, the pigs of Animal Farm use violence and the threat of violence to control the other animals Animal Farm is a story where animals are personified to resemble the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalin. Parody is found in this mocking imitation of real-life people as some of the animals are based on Communist Party leaders: the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, for example, represent Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky
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