Ernesto Che Guevara Essay Words | 8 Pages Ernesto "Che" Guevara Ernesto "Che" Guevara, a doctor and revolutionary in Bolivia, was assassinated by the American CIA for many political reasons, thus becoming a legend and idol after the Latin American Revolution. In the United States Che is remembered only as a relic of the revolution Ernesto Che Guevara is universally renowned for his critical involvement in the success of the Cuban revolution. Venerated for his cause, he is considered by many to be a legendary hero whose name is equivalent to rebellion, revolution, and socialism. Others, however, see him as a ruthless murder Che Guevara’s life is an outstanding case study of the influence of circumstances and background on the views and way of life of the individual. Various social, psychological, and historical conditions molded his personality and made him follow his path. He is distinct from a stereotypical revolutionary leader
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Ernesto Che Guevara is universally renowned for his critical involvement in the success of the Cuban revolution. Venerated for his cause, he is considered by many to be a legendary hero whose name is equivalent to rebellion, revolution, and socialism, che guevara essay.
Others, however, see him as a ruthless murder. Regardless, che guevara essay, his life as a revolutionary leader is an appealing subject that has been portrayed in a variety of books and films. The paper also synthesizes and analyzes his contributions not only to the Cuban revolution but also to the world as a whole. Additionally, an investigation into his sinister part of life is also explored.
ca December 19, che guevara essay, Throughout history, few has died yet never ceased to have a profound impact on the living like he did, especially now that his revolutionary ideals, che guevara essay, which he once lived by and died fighting for, have made their way to attract the contemporary men and women of the 21st century all over the world with the help of a variety of easily accessible che guevara essay. However, rarely has any researcher included che guevara essay their studies the approach from the opposite point of view.
This research paper analyses the legendary revolutionary life of Che Guevara, from the early days when he set out to pursue his adventurous dream on a motorbike till the very end when he was mercilessly yet valorously executed. Ernesto Guevara, or Che Guevara as we all know him, was the Argentinean-born leader of the Cuban revolution. Born on June 14, in Rosario, Argentina, Che was the eldest of five children of a liberal, middle-class family.
As an infant, Che Guevara, or Tete as he was called by his family che guevara essay the time, che guevara essay, had suffered from serious asthmaticcondtionssincewhich kept haunting him interminably throughout his revolutionary life. Moreover, it was this severe illness that drove him to be homeschooled, inby his mother who maintained left-wing political views just like his father Bethel, Being closely attached to his mother from day till night, Che was gradually subject to her radical left-wing political perspectives.
Of all the leftist literature, he showed particular interests in the works, especially poetry, of Walt Whitman, Federico Garcia Lorca, Antonio Machado, and especially Pablo Neruda Hart,che guevara essay, p. It was later confirmed by his father that he began to explore Marxist and other socialist literary works at home Che guevara essay,during the presidency of Juan Peron, who ultimately was the greatest inspiration of Che.
However, his homeschooling finally came to an end inwhen the 9-year-old Che Guevara was able to enrol in a primary school and continued his education at the third grade. It was this trait that boosted his will to conquer his ailment by occupying himself with tense che guevara essay exercises.
After graduating from Colegio Nacional Dean Funes high school inthe Guevara family again relocated to Buenos Aires, where Che Guevara, at the age of che guevara essay accepted into the University of Buenos Aires a year later. In order to che guevara essay a better understanding of asthma, the very ailment that plagued him for all his life, as well as cancer, the disease that led his grandmother to death, Che Guevarawas set on studying for a degree in medicine.
However, this determination did not last very long. As the study went on, there was an overwhelming desire to take a break and travel the world that eventually caused him to put his education on hold until when he returned to finished his medical degree. Details of these trips, which play a vital part in forever changing his point of view in the society, along with his revolutionary che guevara essay, will be covered later in the following section.
Che Guevara had two marriages, the first being with Hilda Gadea Acosta, an exiled Peruvian Marxist. The wedding took place in August 8,while Hilda was carrying their first and only offspring, Hilda Beatriz. They soon went their seperate ways after 4 years of marriage, which in turn led Che Guevara to have a destined encouter with Aleida March, who later became his second wife onJune 3, The couple was so in love that they traveled together, fought together, and more importantly, had a close-knit family with four children together.
Throughout his revolutionary life from tothe career of Che Guevara had varied greatly Bethel, After joining the Cuban revolutionary army led by Fidel Castro inChe Guevara quickly got promoted to head of the industrial department of the Instituto Nacional de la Reforma Agraria, or the Cuban National Institute of Agrarian Reform on October 7, che guevara essay,which was not long before he was made president of the Cuban National Bank on November A year later, however, Che continued on his revolutionary quest in Bolivia as a guerilla leader, which was a complete failure leading to his capture and execution on October 8, InChe Guevara died while leading the guerrilla movement in Bolivia at the age of Then, he has become an immortal legend, a symbol of revolutionary heroism and international spirit, as well as a symbol of national liberation struggle of the oppressed peoples of the world.
Thus, there are many legendary stories about his revolutionary activities. On January 1,Che Guevara began his first journey with a bike mounted motor. The journey, which crossed the Pampas plains in the north, has a length of 4, km. In this area, he had lived and assisted those who got infected by leprosy for a period of time, and worked in a group to build national highways in Argentina. They went through most of the countries in this region. Two months later, they were in Chile and continued to go through Bolivia and Peru.
In Peru, Che Guevara, together with Alberto, visited the people living with leprosy. After that, they went along the Amazon River to go to Colombia and Venezuela on the raft named Mambo Tanga. In Venezuela, they separated. Alberto stayed for caring leprosy patients while Che returned to Argentina to complete his college program. The journey formed his compassion for the poor people and the spirit of fierce anti-imperialism.
After his college graduation on June 16, che guevara essay,Guevara continued his journey back to Latin America with Carlos Calica Ferre, one of his childhood friends in Córdoba. The trip started on July 7, At that moment, the political situation in this country is very tense.
A few months later, they traveled around Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and then stayed in Guatemala for about 9 months. There, he met Hilda Gadea, an exiled Peruvian woman, who became his wife later. After the time working in a hospital, Guevara moved to Mexico. There, in Julyhe was introduced to Fidel Castro Ruz, che guevara essay, and not long che guevara essay that meeting, he voluntarily participated in the expeditionary group of the Cuban.
In Aprilhe began the military training along with other Cuban people and was one of the best students, che guevara essay. Two months later, on June 24, Che and Fidel and other Cuban exiles were arrested by Mexican authorities and detained in Che guevara essay Schultz. On July 31, they were released from prison and resumed the che guevara essay. After that, on December 2, they had secretly landed on the island of Cuba. After arriving in Cuba, they won many crucial victories.
On July 21,Che was promoted to Major by Fidel Castro, and was assigned to establish one of the Army rebels. Only a month later, on August 30, he led his troops to the victory of the battle of El Hombrito.
They marched miles in 47 days with the lack of the military. According to an agreement later, to keep the forces, Che had to unify the command of the troops against the Batista regime. They began to attack on Santa Clara, an economic center as well as an important transport hub. On August 31, che guevara essay,the rebels captured Santa Clara.
This led Batista regime quickly into doom. Batista had to flee abroad and start an exile life. On January 4,Che, along with other rebel commanders, entered La Havana as the winners, che guevara essay.
After his great contributions, Ernesto Che Guevara was awarded the Cuba citizenship. This decision was supported by Cuban people. After the new revolutionary government was established, he was chosen as one of the three leaders Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and Raul Castro of this country. On October 8th,he was appointed to the head of the agriculture of the National Institute of Agrarian Reform.
In this position, Che decided to confiscate all of the private property land. On November 26, he was selected as a chairman of the National Bank. The first che guevara essay of Che, before becoming the chairman of the Cuba National Bank, after the national liberation inwas the commander of the Havana Prison.
In Aprilhe concurrently held the commander of the revolutionary armed che guevara essay training, che guevara essay. In Februaryafter being the Minister of Industries, Guevara decided to put hundreds of state-owned enterprises under the control of the government, che guevara essay. At that time, he also resolved lots of matters che guevara essay Cuba. In Marchwhen serving as a key leader in the Cuba state apparatus, Che decided to resign from all his positions including the Cuban citizenship to continue to devote his life to the fighting for freedom of oppressed people Guevara, This decision was given at che guevara essay right time when his career was at the peak of success, so there was some doubt, che guevara essay.
In early AprilChe and some others left Cuba and came to Congo. There, they pulled out after their failed plans November In Marchhe went to Prague Czechoslovakiaand then secretly returned to Cuba July to plan the campaign for Bolivia. In NovemberChe and his comrades used fake passports to go to La Paz the capital of Bolivia.
In La Paz, they secretly formed a guerrilla group, with the aim of creating a pilot nuclear struggle for liberating Latin America. However, the head quarter and activities of the organization were exposed because of the insiders. Thus, to avoid the enemy raid, the organization decided to relocate the base, so his organization was isolated.
Due to the disease and lack of food, they had to kill horses and donkeys, which were previously their means of transport, to eat. Finally, che guevara essay, he was captured on October 7, when trying to find the way out of the forest in the Quebrada del Yuro. On October 9, he was executed by a joint CIA-Bolivian task force. Then, they were brought to Cuba and buried in Santa Clara, where Che had crucial victories that decided the success of the Cuban Revolution Llosa, In addition, the forces were weak, the equipment was rudimentary, che guevara essay, and the strategies and tactics were not appropriate, while the enemy was powerful.
Furthermore, the time was not ripe for a widespread and successful revolution. In spite of this defeat, the reputation of Ernesto Che Guevara and his influence spread throughout not only Latin America but also che guevara essay world day by day. He has become a symbol of the struggle, of the kindness against poverty and oppression in order che guevara essay bring justice to other people. For che guevara essay, the hero Che Guevara is considered as a living legend, a symbol of the revolutionary hero of all peoples in the world, not just in Cuba and other Latin American countries.
After being executed by the Bolivian army, he was regarded as a martyr by generations of leftist worldwide, and his image became an icon of leftist radicalism and anti-imperialism. He is always a true revolutionary, a true man of the 20th century and much later, for today and the future generations to follow. Che Guevara was the leader of the Communist Revolution in Cuba, and also the hero of the most prominent leaders of the country Cuba attached to him.
d by Jon Lee Anderson, the author emphasized that Che Guevara played a vital role not only in the seizure of power in but also in the social revolution which ultimately turned Cuba into a communist nation. It was his tactical mastermind, his experience in guerrilla warfare, his brilliant leadership of the guerrilla force and his socialist ideologies that lead to the success of the Cuban revolution. InChe Guevara decided to go on his first trip through Latin America to explore different parts of the continent.
History vs. Che Guevara - Alex Gendler
, time: 6:08A Overview Che Guevara History Essay | CustomWritings

· Ernesto Guevara is culturally significant on many levels. Che is significant as the nameless icon of revolution whose face spans the globe, and as the real life revolutionary hero that he was. Che Guevara has become important not only as a person, but as an icon 3 essay samples found Relationship between Fidel Castro and Che Guevara Over the years, revolutions have been documented down to the vagest details. In researching the relationship between Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, along with the revolution they took part in, I realized how many ways it could have been interpreted Ernesto "Che" Guevara Ernesto "Che" Guevara, a doctor and revolutionary in Bolivia, was assassinated by the American CIA for many political reasons, thus becoming a legend and idol after the Latin American Revolution. In the United States Che is remembered only as a relic of the revolution
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