11/11/ · Child labour Short Essay words: Child labour is a service rendered by children in any field during their childhood. This is done due to lack of resources for survival, irresponsibility of the parents or lack of resources by the owner to increase their returns on low blogger.coms: 3 Essays on Child Labour, its Relation with Competitiveness of Labour Intensive Exports, its Determinants and Education in India Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades doctor rerum agriculturarum (Dr. rer. agr.) eingereicht an der Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin von blogger.com (Agriculture) Subhashini Subbaraman Geboren am in Essay on Child Labour – Essay 2 ( Words) Any work that snatches away the dignity, potential and most importantly the childhood of a child is termed as child labour. Child labour has often been associated with work that is harmful to the physical as well as mental development of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins
Essay On Child Labour In India + Words Pdf - TopGovtJobs
Problems of childhood and child labour are being actively discussed in domestic and foreign sociological literature. Sociologists and anthropologists examine the history of child labour and the impact of social institutions in it. Experts in the field of sociology of labour and economic sociology analyze the motivation and value orientations of adolescents in the workforce, standards and working conditions, attitudes toward work and its effectiveness.
However, despite child labour in india essay elaboration of the problem it can be stated that a systematic approach to child labour has not yet emerged in terms of sociology in the child labour in india essay, and many countries continue to use child labour illegally. According to data taken from the report of the U.
Thus, the main aim of this project is to focus on child labour in India, taking into account its legal and illegal sides; to discuss different ways how Indian government can overcome the problem and who should be responsible for children employment in this country.
Nowadays millions of children around the world are working to help their families. Child labour in india essay this work is neither harmful nor exploitative, but not in India.
Grinding poverty gives rise to exploitation, especially in times of war. According to the Lichtensteinthere were overchildren-soldiers in such countries as Liberia, child labour in india essay, Iraq and Afghanistan several years ago. Compa stated that other million of children can barely make ends meet by working in hazardous occupations such as child labour in india essay factories in China or mines of diamonds in Sierra Leone.
Thinking about India we see that it ranks the second in the world in the number of working children.
Children under the age of 14 are forced to work in glass-blowing, fireworks, and most commonly, carpet-making factories. While the Government of Child labour in india essay reports about 20 million children labourers, other non-governmental organizations estimate the number to be closer to 50 million. Most prevalent in the northern part of India, the exploitation of child labour has become an accepted practice, and is viewed by the local population as necessary to overcome the extreme poverty in the region.
Observing legislation base it is possible to mention that child labour is prohibited, but such cases are practically not investigated. Therefore, for example, the use of children at construction sites is growing dramatically almost in all regions of India. According to Shurmer-Smiththe next awful point is the fact that nearly 1. Gross proclaimed that any child has the right to be protected from economic exploitation and work that could be dangerous for him or interfere with his education, harming health, and physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.
Nowadays working children and adolescents in many countries do not fit the definition of the labour force. They belong to the so-called peripheral workers, because they are involved in a peripheral, secondary labour market. It is characterized by a large number of low-paying jobs, lack of prospects for promotion, personalized relationship between management and subordinates, instability and high turnover.
Grootaert and Kanbur are sure that exactly children and teenagers are among the most vulnerable groups of workers on a par with women, ethnic and religious minorities, the elderly and foreigners without child labour in india essay. Rules that protect working experience of representatives of the primary labour market do not apply to the secondary market.
Discussing child labour it is possible to say that it may have both forced and voluntary character. In the first case, the child is forced to work by his own parents, because the family can not survive without the revenue that the child brings. However, schools are often in poor condition and prospects for professional growth are negligible there, child labour in india essay. As a result, parents who have started to work when they were children considered that the best way to solve problems in the family is to send their children to work instead of going to school.
In some families, as soon as the income of the parents begins to grow, the scale of forced child labour is declining. Answering the question whether abolishing of child labour in India would be right it is necessary to say that if we look attentively at the law on employment of children we will find that it is illegal to use child labour, child labour in india essay.
InIndia invoked a law that made the employment of children under age 14 illegal, except in family-owned factories. However, this law is rarely followed, and does not apply to the employment of family members. Thus, factories often circumvent the law through claims of hiring distant family. Also, in rural areas, there are few enforcement mechanisms, and punishment for factories violating the mandate is minimal, if not nonexistent.
Despite, the last statement it seems that every child should have good childhood and opportunity to study, thus the abolishing of child labour is a right decision. Child labour is evaluated negatively despite its quite acceptable forms, developing intelligence and some work skills of a child, child labour in india essay. Indeed, the majority of children involved in the process of labour is engaged in hard, child labour in india essay, dangerous and immoral activity.
Observing governmental activity Burton, D. In the traditional perspective of the ILO, child labour in india essay, child labor must be eradicated from the labor market, child labour in india essay. Hence, from its establishment, the ILO strategy to combat child labor was to secure international agreements on a minimum working age for children. During the s and s a series of international treaties covering different sectors urged states to set a minimum working age.
In these instruments combined into the Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment. In India inthe Act on child labour, prohibiting work for children below the age of 14 years who earn their living as domestic servants, staff of various hotels and public entertainment facilities, employees of tea, roadside eateries and restaurants, came into force.
The initiator of the new law was Prime Minister of India who was greatly interested in the problem of child labour in his country. As a result, children are sent to work in the fields, factories and even in the mines. As a compensation state provides to pay subsidies for laid-off children. In total, India has about At stage 0, would-be parents choose the level of birth child labour in india essay. This conditions the probability that a child is born.
Stage 1 comes if and when a child is actually born. At that point, parents decide how much food, attention, and medical care to give each child.
Stage 2 occurs if and when a child reaches school age. At that stage, parents decide whether to send their children to school or work, and how much food, education, and medical care each child should get. Stage-2 decisions determine the stock of human capital and other assets with which the child will enter adult life. Beyond that, decisions will be taken by the children themselves. The decision problem is solved by backward induction. Thinking about responsibilities in the question of child labour it is impossible to say that only government or only corporations that employ children are responsible for the situation that takes place in India.
Many companies always have to balance between their obligations in the sphere of social responsibility and a desire to ensure low production costs.
The Government of India is trying to control situation in the sphere of child labour and doing it in India, the company risks to find itself in a situation when one or another link in the network of its suppliers would be able to use child labour.
Thus, basing on the above discussed information it is possible to say that the problem of child labour goes into the depth of history in India.
Child labour was considered to be a normal phenomenon in the framework of traditional values. It was observed not as exploitation of the child, but as a part of skills acquisition associated with the caste occupation of his family. Now the situation is changing to some extent.
But, child labour in india essay, the successes achieved in recent years to expand the access to education and eradication of child labour may be offset under the influence of the current global economic and financial crisis, which threatens further progress in this direction. In conclusion, most studies have indicated that the main cause of child labour is poverty. Children are forced to work to survive and help their families.
Poverty, illiteracy, lack of health care, child labour in india essay, limited employment opportunities — every of the above numerated factors leads to the exploitation of child labour. Nevertheless, some poor countries managed to achieve significant progress in combating child labour until its complete elimination. Custom papers you get from our writing experts should be used for research purposes only, child labour in india essay. These papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit.
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Essay on Child Labour for Students and Children - 500 Words Essay
, time: 3:48Essay on Child Labour: 8 Selected Essays on Child Labour
11/11/ · Child labour Short Essay words: Child labour is a service rendered by children in any field during their childhood. This is done due to lack of resources for survival, irresponsibility of the parents or lack of resources by the owner to increase their returns on low blogger.coms: 3 The prevalence of it is evident by the child work participation rates which are higher in India than in other developing countries. Estimates cite figures of child labour between 60 and million working children in India, the highest number in the world (Human Rights Watch, ). It is basically rooted in blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Essays on Child Labour, its Relation with Competitiveness of Labour Intensive Exports, its Determinants and Education in India Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades doctor rerum agriculturarum (Dr. rer. agr.) eingereicht an der Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin von blogger.com (Agriculture) Subhashini Subbaraman Geboren am in
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