22/8/ · Christmas Essay for Students and Children + Words Essay on Christmas Essay Christmas is a well-known Christian holiday set in December, celebrated the world over and famed for its decorations and Santa blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Writing an essay on Christmas is a topic of interest for young kids and people of all ages. Christmas is one of the most popular festivals, which is widely celebrated by people from different communities across the globe. This festival is celebrated with great joy and zeal by blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins 19/12/ · Introduction on Essay On Christmas Christmas is a festival celebrated around the world by Christians and even non-Christians. The festival commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, who would go on to establish Christianity. It is also one of the biggest annual festivals in the world, with billions of people taking part in its blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
Essay on Christmas: 6 Selected Essays on Christmas
How many times have you thought as a child that tonight the Santa Claus will come and give gifts to you? Many times you may actually receive them although they are presents from your family. Christmas essay in english is the craze of Santa Claus and the gifts, Christmas trees associated with the festival of Christmas. It is a festival which attracts people christmas essay in english all faith towards it.
Being one of those festivals which is widely celebrated all over the world, it is important for us to know about this festival we call Christmas. It does have a history to it along with some marked traditions which go along with it.
In order to make students aware of all this, we have come up with long essays for students which shall enlighten them more about this festival. Contents List of Essays on Christmas in English Essay on Christmas — Essay 1 Words Essay on Christmas: Origin, Importance and Conclusion — Essay 2 Words Essay on Christmas — Essay 3 Words Essay on Christmas: A Cultural Festivity — Essay 4 Words Essay on Christmas — Essay 5 Words Essay on Christmas: History, Celebrations and Decorations — Essay 6 Words.
Christmas is celebrated every year on 25th December. It is mainly the festival of Christians. The winters in December carry a festive feeling. Usually, the celebration begins much before the main day and continues for around 2 weeks after that.
Men and women celebrate Christmas to honor the birth of Jesus Christ. Religious people go to church and light the candles to pray to their God, Jesus Christ. A festival that is equally loved and cherished by adults and kids. People also bring a Christmas tree to their homes and decorate it with colorful balls, ribbons, and red socks.
Market shops and showrooms display a theme of glittering red and white colors to set up the Christmas christmas essay in english. On Christmas night, folks enjoy a big feast and share gifts with each other. Homemade traditional plum cakes, christmas essay in english, cupcakes, and muffins are the special treats on Christmas. Kids are showered with lots of presents and new dresses. Christmas is a festival of joy. It is about sharing and helping others, christmas essay in english.
On this day, people remember Jesus Christ and his lessons of life. The festival definitely teaches us to practice kindness and love toward each other and help those who have less than us. Christmas is the christmas essay in english of joy, peace, and happiness. It is the special season set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Though this was its original purpose, the celebration of Christmas has grown to become a symbolic time for living in peace and love.
Christmas is essentially a reminder of why we should stick to the deepest parts of our humanity. That is, through celebration, we are reminded that we should share, give to the less privileged, spend christmas essay in english with loved ones and have a positive outlook about life in general. Many people assume Christmas is strictly a Christian celebration and they would be right if modern evidence is to be considered. However, with regards to its origin, this notion cannot be farther from the truth.
In actual christmas essay in english, Christmas originated a few decades after the birth of Jesus in the old Roman Empire. Christmas emanated as the Pagan celebration of the concept known as Saturnalia. This celebration was aimed at celebrating the return of the sun and the end of winter. The celebration is usually a weeklong affair and is marked by lawless activity and a system of penal exemption from lawless acts such as housing breaking.
In the 4 th century, Christians adapted the last day of Saturnalia to be the celebration of Christmas. The aim was to get the pagans to associate this period with positive things. Consequently, christmas essay in english, lots of pagans converted to Christianity on the promise that they could still celebrate their tradition in this day.
Whether Jesus was actually born on the 25 of December is not substantiated by historical evidence. Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why do we go the extra mile to celebrate, give and create an atmosphere of merriment? The answers to these questions are numerous but we would mention a few.
Christmas is a well-known Christian holiday set in December, celebrated the world over and famed for its decorations and Santa Clause. Christmas is celebrated on the 25 th of December, on the occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ.
One can write for ages about the many wonders that Christmas inspires in people. This holiday is also famous for the different customs that are associated with it and even though Christmas is celebrated in all Christian countries there are differences in the way each nation commemorates this date.
One of the more famous symbols of this holiday is the Christmas tree. Most people do not think about it and just maintain that this custom has been around for ages, christmas essay in english, while in fact, it is in use for the past years. The idea originated in Germany and later on, it was spread to the rest of the western world by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. This event was meant for the entire family to enjoy a day before the 25 th of December, christmas essay in english.
The famous Santa Clause celebrated in many movies and made famous by Coca-Cola commercials is actually Saint Nicholas and he is traditionally celebrated on the 6 th of December. The Santa goes around town and checks if all the children were good and if they were, he left them a present, but if a child misbehaved often the Krampus would come to punish them by leaving a whip for the christmas essay in english. This myth was taken on by the movie industry and transformed into the white beard and red-coated child hero of today.
Traditionally Christmas is celebrated by a Church mass in the morning and then by a family meal later on in the day. That is if you are a religious person, otherwise, most people have some sort of Christmas dinner where they sing the appropriate songs and drink special drinks, somewhere its egg- nock and in other places its sweetened cooked red wine. Whatever the tradition the point of the holiday is to spend some quality time with your loved ones eating and resting, christmas essay in english.
Christmas is also famous as the christmas essay in english of the year when we give gifts to each other and appropriately this is also the time when companies try to sell everything they can. Marketing experts know how to use the traditional symbols of Christmas to make you want to buy something that you do not actually need, christmas essay in english. Not to mention that every gift that Santa brings has to be bought somewhere and every child wants a visit from their favorite imagined gift giver.
The consumer society has transformed this holiday and made it part of its cosmology, the basic elements are still here but everything is set around decoration, gifts, and movies, christmas essay in english. Whatever the backdrop of the holiday it still remains one of the christmas essay in english times of the year, at least form me.
Spending time at home with the people we love, embraced, watching movies and surrounded by flickering lights is the image I have in my head when I think about Christmas.
This is also an image that brings warmth to my heart. Christmas is a Christian holiday that is celebrated all over the world on December 25 th.
Christmas is the time of the year when people commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a cultural festivity that christmas essay in english families together in a celebratory mood. Every Christian loves Christmas because it is full of joy, full of gifts, family gets together and beautiful Christmas carols are sang all over.
Christmas is a cultural festivity that entails a lot of preparations. It is a public holiday and so people get a Christmas break to celebrate it. Preparations for Christmas start early for most people so that celebrations begin on the eve of Christmas.
Preparations for Christmas involves a lot of activities. Plans on who you are spending the Christmas together must be made before any preparations begin because you want to be considerate on their preferences and way of doing things.
Shopping for Christmas is done as art of the preparations and people usually buy decorations, food and gifts mostly for children in the family christmas essay in english friends, christmas essay in english.
Some families shop for matching Christmas outfits for everyone. The common preparations include decorations of the place with Christmas trees, lighting. Before decorations begin, the house must be deep cleaned. The Christmas tree brings the Christmas spirit in homes because it is all glittery and shiny with all the decorations. Presents are placed under the Christmas tree in wrapped gift boxes and are not to be opened till Christmas day.
Churches and Sunday schools make their own preparations for Christmas through practicing songs and skits to be performed on Christmas day. The songs and skits are usually about the stories of the birth of Jesus Christ from the Bible.
The church is also decorated for the special event. Thorough cleaning of the churches is also done to usher in Christmas. Travel plans are also made for families and friend who would lie to spend their Christmas holiday in a nice place. People usually spend a lot on Christmas and so saving money for these plans should be the earliest preparation among all these. As tradition for most families across the world, turkey is the common meal.
Turkey orders have to be made early to avoid missing on the traditional Christmas meal. Christmas cards are also written to friends and family to wish them a happy holiday and to show love.
Activities done on the Christmas Eve are still preparations. Christmas dinner is prepared, the tables are set, and gifts that had not been wrapped are wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree. Families come together in a Christmas spirit and share in the spirit of Christmas and the excitement for the day that is to christmas essay in english. The activities on Christmas day are usually few because everything was prepared in advance.
The day begins with a countdown at pm at night whereby people shout in celebration when it gets to midnight. Christmas carols are played on radios and televisions to mark the day.
Most families start by going to church where performances and songs are done. Then later, they join their families to exchange gifts and celebrate with food and music. Happiness during Christmas is like no other. During exchange of gifts, children believe that they are from Santa Claus. Santa Claus or Father Christmas is a figure originating from the western Christian culture who is believed to bring gifts to disciplined children during Christmas.
Children tend to behave well as they anticipate gifts from Santa.
Write an essay on Christmas in english- Short essay
, time: 11:02Essay on Christmas in English | Short and Long Christmas Essays for Kids

22/8/ · Christmas Essay for Students and Children + Words Essay on Christmas Essay Christmas is a well-known Christian holiday set in December, celebrated the world over and famed for its decorations and Santa blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins List of Essays on Christmas in English Essay on Christmas – Essay 1 ( Words) Christmas is celebrated every year on 25th December. It is mainly the festival of Christians. But in today’s time, the festival of Christmas has surpassed the religious boundaries and become a symbol of the holistic blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins The full Essay on Christmas. This essay is suitable for all the boards like CBSE, ICSE and State Boards. An Excellent Knowledge about the topic is shared her
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