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Essays on motivation

Essays on motivation

essays on motivation

 · Motivation theories were for a long time used in the field of psychology, especially in counseling and behavior change practices. A lot of achievements have been made in the use of motivational theories in the field of psychology. We will write a custom Essay on Motivational Strategies specifically for you for only $ $11/page  · 10 Lines on Motivation Essay Motivation is significant for the overall growth of your mind as well as personality. It helps you focus on your goals based Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins  · September 22, by essaybanyan. Motivation is a word which itself carries a positive vibe and one should really have some motivation infrequent intervals. All of us have different sources of motivation and sometimes we have our role models as our source of motivation. Find here some essays on this topic to prepare your own set of essays for your school blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Motivation essay - Samples of Research Paper Topics, Introductions, Conclusions GradesFixer

Motivation theories were for a long time used in the field of psychology, especially in counseling and behavior change practices. A lot of achievements have been made in the use of motivational theories in the field of psychology. In the recent times, motivational theories have been heavily integrated into the field of business and general management. This is because organizations depend on their employees as the chief assets in the attainment of organizational goals Mckenna, Therefore, motivation has become an indispensable tool in management due to the emerging challenges in management.

These challenges include stiff competition and a volatile business environment Beck, Essays on motivation theories, as applied in business, are used during the motivation of employees in order to enhance employee delivery and thus leading to performance improvement. Also, in business, motivational theories have helped many organizations to focus the efforts of the workers on the real goals of the business as they perform their duties, essays on motivation.

There are many theories of motivation that are applied in different ways, and in different business organizations. This paper discusses how motivation has been applied at the place of work and goes further to explain the impact that this has had on productivity. The discussion focuses on business organizations, essays on motivation.

Therefore, the focus will be on the efforts of the organizations to motivate their employees and the outcomes of motivation essays on motivation the organization. In business organizations, business ideas and strategies are often invented. These ideas have to be translated into reality that is depicted in business outcomes. This is done by the workforce of the organization. Inspiration encourages the hatching of new ideas, but for these ideas to be tamed and implemented, motivation of the workforce is needed, essays on motivation.

Motivation ensures that workers put significant effort in their duties so that the business ideas that result from inspiration become successful, essays on motivation. Several motivational strategies can be applied in business operations so as to excite employees Wiley, One of the strongest motivational strategies that have been found to work well for business organizations is the maintenance of open communication among employees, essays on motivation, and between employees and management.

Employees of an organization need to have a feeling that they count in the organization and that their ideas are taken into account by their managers. When this happens, essays on motivation, the employees will feel more inclusive. They thus become more responsible as in the aspect of ownership is instilled through open communication Gaspar, A strategy that accompanies good communication and is embedded in communication is feedback.

When it is well utilized, it bears more results than even financial essays on motivation as these rewards are easily forgotten when the money has been used by the beneficiary. Frequent availing of positive feedback to employees accompanied by a team oriented environment makes a big difference in shaping the behavior of employees. It makes employees have the sense of value in the company, and thus the commitment level of employees to the company goes up.

Positive feedback communication is molded as a culture in the organization. One company that has been utilizing this for quite some time is Tejas Securities Group Incorporated. Essays on motivation strategy has helped the company to maintain its staff for a essays on motivation time and in expanding the activities of the company Fielding, In a business, the most important motivational strategy is rewards.

Workers will only be motivated by the essays on motivation of the company when they are rewarded as a result of the success. Rewards can be in the form of material or in financial terms. The employees will always work hard to avoid failure as they know that if they fail, they will lose on rewards. This stems from having been rewarded previously. The employees increase their essays on motivation when there are considerable rewards that are associated to success.

A good example can be seen in the quarterly sales bonuses within a business. Salesmen show significant commitment to the sales function when there are high bonuses attached to a certain percentage of sales quotas Mckenna, Employee empowerment also goes a step further in employee motivation. The management of most business organizations has acknowledged the importance for each employee of their companies to have a strong grasp of their tasks as concerning their job in the company, essays on motivation.

Empowerment is a motivational strategy that gives power and authority to employees essays on motivation manage themselves in their line of duty while in business. Empowerment aims to cut down the level of employee supervision. The principle of empowerment resonates from a psychological perspective. This perspective asserts that when people feel free in attending to a certain task, they become composed and will thus accomplish the task in a furnished way.

Close supervision of employees causes panic and fear of doing the work badly, and this result in poor work. However, empowerment is attained when employees are fully trained and have shown that they have mastered their work and that they can accomplish their roles without a lot of dependency.

Employees who show an initiative, essays on motivation, a strong desire to diversify their duties and become efficient in their jobs are left to perform their duties independently.

Empowerment is accompanied by thorough training Gaspar, There are very many behavioral theories that have been used to motivate employees and other stakeholders of organizations. There are many theories that explain how employees can be motivated. However, there is one motivational theory that has gained wide usage in the day to day life. It is a theory that aims at shaping behavior. This theory has been applied in many business strategies by different business firms, especially in human resources management.

The theory has had a wide use in the motivation of employees and customers when it is used in marketing functions of companies. The theory classifies the needs of people from the simplest to the most complex.

According to the theory, the behaviors and actions of people are shaped by their needs. Therefore, the fulfilling of the needs of people leads to a positive change in behavior Madura, This theory has meaningful considerations in organizational management. It gives insights into the best means through which organizations can motivate their employees, customers, vendors and clients. Business managers utilize the theory to devise creative ways of motivating workers. This is done by looking at how employee essays on motivation relates to job design, and the compensation scheme of the organization.

Business leaders, in most cases, use the strength of the essays on motivation needs of employees, essays on motivation. This is done by providing wages that are enough to enable employees meet their basic needs. Safety and security needs are met through the provision of job security, a safe working environment, and retirement among other benefits, essays on motivation.

Social needs are met by way of developing team work in the organization which makes employees feel as being part of the broader organization. In the development of products, companies ensure that they develop products that address the requirements of customers. For instance, companies will strive to produce goods that are on fashion and or whose taste is valued by customers at that time. The fashion industry is commonly associated with this in which case psychological needs self esteem and actualization play a key role in determining buying patterns.

Also, companies try to diversify their products so that they can meet different needs of consumers. The more needs the product can meet, the higher number of customers the company is likely to gain Madura, The other theory that enjoys wide usage is the goal setting theory.

The theory of goal setting has had a wide usage in industrial, essays on motivation, as well as organizational psychology. Goal setting is a management practice that gives the organization a pivoting point for its operations. Goal setting itself is a process that entails the establishment of the level of performance, essays on motivation.

This ensures that desired business outcomes can be obtained, essays on motivation. When employees realize that essays on motivation current performance is not leading to the achievement of the desired goals, they get motivated to step up their efforts or rather adopt a new strategy that will enable them attain the stipulated goals.

In most cases, goal setting emanates from the discontentment with the prevailing performance levels in the organization Mckenna, Through goal setting, structures are laid essays on motivation to direct the behavior and action of employees towards performance improvement. Acceptance of goals is a big milestone in performance improvement. The management sets and explains these goals to the employees.

The employees become motivated in the performance of their duties once they accept these goals. The management makes the employees have self-efficacy and importance. Importance is offered by way of availing all the machinery that will be needed in attaining the goals.

Inspirational mentorship and good leadership help in instilling the act of self-efficacy in employees. As discussed earlier, feedback motivates employees by way of making them feel that they are adding value to the organization, essays on motivation. In the case of goal attainment, essays on motivation, feedback will help employees to know the amount or level of progress that has been made as they continue implementing programs.

When employees realize that essays on motivation have made much progress, they will be motivated to increase their input so as to ensure that the goal has been accomplished.

Essays on motivation the other hand, when little progress is reported, the employees will not want to show or display any act of failure due to self-efficacy. An example of organizations that apply the theory of goal setting in all levels of operations is the General Electric Company. The company has marked the idea that underlies the goal setting theory.

The company ensures that their goals are part of the organizational mission and vision. Their set goals touch on all the aspects organizational operations. The goals are regularly reviewed, essays on motivation, and improvements are enhanced so as to ease goal attainment Redmond, Beck, R.

Motivation: Theories and principles. Upper Saddle River, N. J: Pearson Education. Fielding, R. Employee Motivation Strategies: Effective Solutions That Could Yield Maximum Profits, essays on motivation. Gitman, L.


, time: 6:12

Motivational Strategies - Words | Essay Example

essays on motivation

 · Motivation theories were for a long time used in the field of psychology, especially in counseling and behavior change practices. A lot of achievements have been made in the use of motivational theories in the field of psychology. We will write a custom Essay on Motivational Strategies specifically for you for only $ $11/page Essay about Self-Motivation is Empowering. Words3 Pages. Motivation is a very strong tool we can use to get further in life and to achieve our dreams and goals. Setting goals for ourselves is something that I consider to be very important, I believe in always pushing myself further and further in life, not only physically but mentally as well Do not let you thing about anything bad, because all your thoughts will come true. If you imagine something bad, you can Promise to yourself, that you will wake up early in the morning. The best motivation is the motivation, which starts You should have a strong motivation to be the winner

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