Thursday, May 20, 2021

Meth essay

Meth essay

meth essay

Crystal Meth Addiction Essay Words7 Pages Ice, crank, meth, crystal, tweak, go fast otherwise known as Crystal Methamphetamine, in the United States is at epidemic levels. 1 Meth is not only highly addictive it is easily "cooked" in homes across the country On the Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah describes crystal meth as being the most dangerous drug in America and the biggest problem officers face concerning drugs. She also says crystal meth is not popular with a particular group of people. Rather, it crosses every blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins  · Methamphetamine is a powerful brain stimulant, capable of causing cause any individual to become addicted. Meth is used through injection, smoked, ingested, or snorted. The drug stimulates the central nervous system, because of a dramatic dopamine increase

Methamphetamine Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Get access to this section to get all the help you need with your essay and educational goals. Before watching the videos on crystal meth I was very uneducated when it came to the drug. After watching the Oprah Winfrey Show and Meth is Death video, it was very easy for me to come to the conclusion that crystal meth is a very meth essay and addictive drug.

On the Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah describes crystal meth as being the most dangerous drug in America and the biggest problem officers face concerning drugs. She also says crystal meth is not popular with a particular group of people.

Rather, it crosses every group. Oprah has a few guests who were addicted to crystal meth and share their addiction experiences.

The guests consist of Chantel, meth essay, Megan, Michelle, and Jay. Chantel overdosed one day by passing out in her bed and waking up with blood on it. She agreed to go to rehab after a family intervention on the Oprah Winfrey Show, meth essay. Chantel stayed at rehab for a total of one-hundred and twenty-two days, meth essay, and was very scared to leave. She was brought back to the Oprah show to discuss her life after rehab. Chantel said she had been clean for six months now, but described everyday as a struggle.

She states that she completely underestimated her addiction. Chantel still craves the drug, and is scared to relapse. She will see old friends that she used to do crystal meth with, meth essay. One day she met up with one of those friends and her parents kicked her out of the house because of this. Chantel and her mom have a rocky relationship and Chantel even revealed that she blames her mom for everything.

She takes each everything day by day and meth essay to stay clean, meth essay. The next guest Oprah has on her show is a girl named Megan. Megan meth essay not a typical teenager, at the mere age of twelve she was drinking, meth essay, smoking pot and popping pills. At the age of fifteen she tried meth essay meth and was instantly hooked.

Megan said she did meth every day and every hour. It changed her mood and appearance, but still managed to hide her addiction from her parents. She would only get about two hours once a week. Finally Megan was kicked out of her house and was gone meth essay a whole week where she did not sleep at all. Megan told Chantel that she saw her show on Oprah, and Chantel was the reason Megan is at rehab. The two became very close while in rehab. Megan left rehab after one-hundred and twenty-two days, meth essay, and is still clean.

Megan meth essay she still has the urge to use and it is very hard for her to stop partying. However Michelle had no intimacy in her marriage and met someone else who got her to try crystal meth. Michelle admitted that she thought it would only be a recreational drug she took every once in a while, meth essay.

However she took it and was instantly hooked and began to take crystal meth every day. She lost her job, her husband divorced her, and went from one-hundred and forty pounds to ninety-eight pounds. Michelle found out that her thirteen year old son was also addicted to crystal meth. She made her son go to rehab, and he thought she was a hypocrite. This made Michelle check into rehab, she has been clean for forty-two days, and her son has been clean for five months.

However Michelle says she still craves the drug, and it is obvious she is not quitting crystal meth for herself. She refers to her ex-husband as her best friend and backbone. It is meth essay she wants him back and is giving up the drug in hopes that he will get back together with her, meth essay. Jay is part of the gay community and seemed to have it all with his six-figure income and penthouse.

However, Jay meth essay depressed meth essay tried crystal meth, meth essay. He, like the rest of the guests, was instantly hooked. He lost his home and job, and his family would not accept him back.

He thought his life was over so he went to a construction site and instead of jumping he went on a meth-binge, meth essay. Jay participated in something that was known as bare-backing, where he would sleep with twenty-five to thirty men ino order to contract AIDs. Jay goes by the construction site again and this time jumps.

However, he meth essay the concrete, lands in the sand, and survives. Jay now works with addictions to crystal meth in the gay community. In the next video, which is titled Meth is Death, four people talk about their experiences and struggles with their addiction to crystal meth. Gerath is in jail for forgery in an attempt to get money for meth. He said he would lie, steal, and cheat for meth. Jeff was meth cooker and described the worst thing that happened was he beat his nephew once.

Charlotte not only lost weight from meth, but her children as well. She said meth meth essay her feel cold and ruthless. She never thought about her kids, meth essay. Charlotte is now clean, has both her daughters back, and involved in helping others with their addictions. And the last person David is a recovering meth addict. He said he abused his wife, could not love his kids or himself. He said meth made him paranoid, so paranoid that he stopped the mail carrier with an assault rifle.

One day his wife told him she was leaving him so David took his assault rifle and shot himself in the face. He broke every bone in his face and received meth essay surgeries, meth essay. David now, along with his wife, educates others about meth essay and his addiction.

In the Meth is Death video, crystal meth is described as the worst problem facing law enforcement. It kills your soul, makes you give up everything. Not to mention the physical effects it has on your body as well. You become hyperactive, lose you appetite, teeth rot, brain cells die, and liver and heart damage occurs. Ninety to ninety-five percent of people relapse from meth and go back to their addiction.

After watching these two videos I can conclude that crystal meth is a drug that should not be messed with. It is highly addictive and can make you become a soulless addict, meth essay. And I will say that I plan on staying far away from it. Words: Category: Addiction Pages: 5. Get Full Essay Get access to this section to get all the help you need with your essay and educational goals. Get Access. Living at Home and Living Away from Home Absolutism in Eastern and Western Europe.

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Why Is Meth So Addictive?

, time: 12:09

Read Free “History of Crystal Meth” Essay Sample -

meth essay

On the Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah describes crystal meth as being the most dangerous drug in America and the biggest problem officers face concerning drugs. She also says crystal meth is not popular with a particular group of people. Rather, it crosses every blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Crystal Meth Addiction Essay Words7 Pages Ice, crank, meth, crystal, tweak, go fast otherwise known as Crystal Methamphetamine, in the United States is at epidemic levels. 1 Meth is not only highly addictive it is easily "cooked" in homes across the country  · Crystal methamphetamine or crystal meth is a drug that people take by inhaling through the nose, smoking, oral method, or injecting by use of a needle. People refer to the drug as crystal meth when the drug is in its crystal form. This drug creates a false sense of excitement, confidence, hyperactive and energy (Buxton & Dove, ).Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

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