Possibility of Evil Analysis Essay Words | 3 Pages Smith 1 John Smith blogger.com ENG2D March 5 The Possibility of Evil: Critical Response Journal The Story, The Possibility of Evil is a truly interesting story that demonstrates the evil of a community that seems almost perfect “The Possibility of Evil”, a short story by Shirley Jackson focused on the odd behavior of Miss Strangeworth. Though Miss Strangeworth do not change throughout the story, people just don’t know how awful she is. Miss Strangeworth has written small anonyms notes filled with cruel comments about toward her towns folks throughout the story 3 pages, words Shelly Moy N. Regan ENG AL September 19, ″Evil: A Host of Happiness ” In the short stories “A Rose For Emily,” by William Faulkner and “The Possibility of Evil,” by Shirley Jackson both authors create similar characters and settings that illustrate daring images of blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
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Get access to this section to get all the help you need with your essay and educational goals. I will also consider her implications about the nature of evil and will demonstrate how the author is not at all sympathetic to her main character, Miss Strangeworth. Shirley Jackson is deliberately vague about the setting, leaving the reader free to concentrate instead on the human condition present in the story.
Though we are not given a specific time and place or even the name of the town, we are given enough detail to know that it could be any small town. Jackson wants us to understand that the potential for evil the possibility of evil essay anywhere and everywhere, even in the smallest, most unlikely and safe-seeming places and people. Her descriptions are all common but not specific to a small town setting: a park and river; Main Street; a post office; fresh produce from a local townsperson; the library; a soda shop; a small grocery store operated by the second generation of another founding family of the town.
Miss Strangeworth knows Mr. Lewis, in turn, knows the habits of his customers, such as when Miss Strangeworth usually buys her tea. The aged Miss Strangeworth is able to walk wherever she goes in the town; everything is close.
Additionally, there is the usual small-town gossip, the possibility of evil essay. When something happens on one side of town, folks on the other side of town know about it and will speculate about it. The people of this town all know each other, and they share a history. Miss Adela Strangeworth cannot stand anything other than absolute perfection the possibility of evil essay order, and she is constantly on the lookout of any lack of it. Though Miss Strangeworth is outwardly friendly and proper to everyone she encounters, she is in reality examining them for possible flaws.
She is herself is a dainty, the possibility of evil essay, sweet looking, and perfectly kept woman. She has never spent more than a single day of her 71 years outside her little town.
She lives in a perfectly ordered home, the very first house on Pleasant Street, the possibility of evil essay, built by her grandfather. The Strangeworth family has lived in this house for more than years.
As the last living Strangeworth, she feels it is her duty to morally preserve the town. Therefore, Adela makes it her business to know what is going on and all her conversations are to this end. The author gives us plenty of clues along the way to some deeper evil lurking in this sunny little place.
We have a sense that things are not as they seem. Many of the townspeople look worried, ill, or unkept. Also, although Jackson takes great pains to give us a sense of a close-knit, little community, Miss Strangeworth locks her doors in a contrasting act of mistrust, the possibility of evil essay.
And, though she is outwardly a gracious and caring person, Adela is reluctant to share her beautiful roses with any of the townspeople. She hoards their lovely scent to herself, putting bowls of them all over her own house, the possibility of evil essay.
We begin to see that something is not quite right about this woman. Adela Strangeworth believes she is fighting the possibility of evil that exists and is just waiting to reveal itself in all humans.
If she can nip this potential for evil in the bud, so to speak, she will have done her duty of preserving the perfect, ordered sanctity of her small town. However, she ironically displays the very evil nature that she seeks to eradicate. She the possibility of evil essay in her heart that her letters are morally wrong because she is so secretive about them. She keeps her desk locked up, makes her letters anonymous, and burns all drafts. She feels fully entitled to use real evil to fight perceived evil.
One would think that after an entire year of writing hateful letters to the very townspeople she feels responsible for morally saving, that their worried faces might begin to bother her, even just a little.
But Miss Strangeworth does not seem bothered at all. She likes writing her letters and would outright lie if asked if she wrote such trash. Her end justifies her means. Thus, when she is exposed as the nasty letter writer and someone in turn anonymously destroys her lovely and perfect roses, the possibility of evil essay, we feel she deserves exactly what she gets.
Adela has brought this retribution upon herself. The wickedness of the world that she cries silently about at the end of the story is the very same wickedness that she incubates and breeds within herself. Words: Category: Children Pages: 5. Get Full Essay Get access to this section to get all the possibility of evil essay help you need with your essay and educational goals. Get Access. Outline the view that there are no rights and wrongs in sexual ethics Ibuprofen C13H18O2 structure. Get instant access to all materials Become a Member.
The Problem of Evil: Crash Course Philosophy #13
, time: 10:04“The Possibility of Evil” Essay | blogger.com

3 pages, words Shelly Moy N. Regan ENG AL September 19, ″Evil: A Host of Happiness ” In the short stories “A Rose For Emily,” by William Faulkner and “The Possibility of Evil,” by Shirley Jackson both authors create similar characters and settings that illustrate daring images of blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins In this essay I will examine Shirley Jackson’s use of setting in her short story, “The Possibility of Evil. ” I will discuss why Jackson’s choice of a small town setting is crucial to understanding the plot of her blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Possibility of Evil Analysis Essay Words | 3 Pages Smith 1 John Smith blogger.com ENG2D March 5 The Possibility of Evil: Critical Response Journal The Story, The Possibility of Evil is a truly interesting story that demonstrates the evil of a community that seems almost perfect
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