Thursday, May 20, 2021

Tsunami essay

Tsunami essay

tsunami essay

Tsunamis Essay Words | 5 Pages Environmental Science Tsunamis       A tsunami (soo-NAH-mee) is a series of waves that occur in an ocean or other large body of water and that are caused by some activity that displaces big amounts of water. Tsunami is Tsunami is generated when ocean floods shift vertically, usually due to an earthquake. When a shift in the ocean floor displaces the water above, the water body travels as a huge wave to regain equilibrium. Actually tsunami is generated as a result of a sudden rise or fall of section on the earth’s crust under the blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins  · Tsunami Essay Tsunami refers to the phenomenon in which a chain of strong waves causes high rush in the water resulting in waves that reach the heights to several meters. Tsunami is a kind of a natural disaster and is caused due to earthquake or volcanic eruption under the ocean or blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

Tsunami in Tohoku and Its Effects on Japan - Words | Essay Example

Essay on Tsunami: A sudden, unexpected series of ocean waves of high risen wavelengths are called tsunami waves. They are strong currents of water waves that rush through inland spaces, flood nearby areas and last for a tsunami essay time.

They are seismic waves that trigger landslide undersea and force themselves through any obstacle on tsunami essay way. Large volumes of water are displaced at great transoceanic distances at high speeds. A tsunami is a series of fierce waves generated by the displacement of water, tsunami essay. They occur in substantial water bodies due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and underwater explosions, tsunami essay.

Tsunamis are also oftenly referred to as tidal waves. The waves are very high in magnitude as well as their length, and they can be tsunami essay destructive. Japan is the country which has recorded the most significant number of tsunamis. The tsunami generated in the Indian Ocean in the year is still considered as the most upsetting tsunami taking more than two hundred thousand lives.

Tsunamis are quite rare in occurrence as compared to other natural disastersbut they are equally damaging. The leading cause of a tsunami is attributable to an earthquake. However, tsunami essay, even volcanic eruptions, tsunami essay and comets or other heavenly bodies hitting the sea can be a source. When the tectonic plates of the earth positioned under the sea are disturbed, tsunami essay, an earthquake takes place, causing the seawater to displace and erupt in sudden waves.

These waves move further and further towards the shores. They can go unnoticed in the deep ocean but become more prominent as the water becomes shallow. Landslides are another prominent cause of a tsunami.

When heavy debris falls without warning with massive force into the sea, it causes a tremendous ripple effect. This ripple effect thus, causes tidal waves to form, tsunami essay, which ultimately rise towards the land and cause massive destruction. During the eruption of a volcano on land, debris falls with a great thrust into the water body, tsunami essay, causing the same ripple effect.

Tsunami essay can be underwater as well. They are known as submarine tsunami essay. Tsunamis can further occur as a result of meteorological activity and human-made triggers.

When water washes away the shores with such colossal force, it damages the sewage system and freshwater. It also causes water fit for drinking to erode and contaminate, tsunami essay. Because of the water being stagnant and polluted, numerous diseases like malaria affect a large tsunami essay of people. They become ill, and infections spread quickly. A tsunami may even destroy nuclear plants which result in emittance of harmful radiations. These radiations are fatal to the health of every living organism.

Mass evacuations become necessary in areas exposed to radiations because they can result in cancer, death and can even affect the DNA structures. The saddest effect of a tsunami is the loss of lives in huge numbers. Tsunamis hit suddenly, tsunami essay, with almost no warning and hence people get no time to escape it or run away.

Tsunami essay drown, collapse, are electrocuted, etc. Tsunamis not tsunami essay cause massive destruction of life but also degrade the environment in a gigantic way. It uproots trees and destroys pipelines which lead to the release of dioxides, raw sewage and other pollutants into the atmosphere. When these hazardous pollutants are washed into the sea, they also cause unbearable damage to the aquatic underwater life.

When the waves of a powerful tsunami smash the shores, they destroy trees, cars, tsunami essay, buildings, telephone lines, pipelines and other man-made equipment into bits and pieces. Poverty rises in areas which get most affected by the wrath of tsunamis. The governments are also able to do little for their betterment immediately due to the high funding requirement and expenses. The government can invest in building strong and high protective infrastructure which can withstand the force of a tsunami.

The length should be so tall, that the most upper wave of the tsunami cannot over top it. Also, tsunami essay, heavy construction and livelihood activities in tsunami-prone areas can be avoided. The local authorities can install an efficient and fast early warning system. This would help to get all the people on alert. This way, more and more people would evacuate or leave the areas of danger, and human life destruction could be minimised.

Educating people and making them aware of the effects and impact of a tsunami is exceptionally crucial. They should be taught about the early warning signals of a tsunami and how to identify them.

They should also learn how to be fully prepared in tsunami essay times like these instead of panicking and rapidly running around. Planting the coastal regions and boundaries with trees such as Mangroves which can absorb tidal wave energy can be another option. These can help to reduce the impact of a tsunami and curb the levels of destruction caused, tsunami essay. Tsunamis are a natural disaster which can result in massive destruction tsunami essay human beings as well as the environment.

They are caused by factors that may not tsunami essay in tsunami essay hands, but we can take measures to curb its destruction.

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Essay on Tsunami

, time: 12:27

Tsunami Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

tsunami essay

Tsunami Essay The movement of earth's crust is capable of shifting huge volumes of water, then it unleashes great and powerful waves. Among nature's most powerful forces of destruction, these waves are called tsunamis. The Japanese term means "harbour waves" Tsunamis Essay Words | 5 Pages Environmental Science Tsunamis       A tsunami (soo-NAH-mee) is a series of waves that occur in an ocean or other large body of water and that are caused by some activity that displaces big amounts of water. Tsunami is  · Introduction A tsunami is one of the dangerous hazards, as it usually takes away the lives of many individuals. Additionally, tsunamis happen rather fast and often, and the researchers still lack knowledge in the prediction and announcements of the natural hazards in time

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